RM Analyzer Help

Tendon Action New/Modify/Copy

Definition or modification of actions for particular tendons.

The series of actions, which comprise one set of tendon actions, must belong to the same Stress label (see below).

PREL/PRER Prestressing the tendon on the left/right side
RELL/RELR Releasing the tendon on the left/right side
RELML/RELMR Like RELL/RELR, but the input value defines the result within the tendon
Type All prestressing/releasing actions listed above can be defined by a value in terms of a force or a factor.
Force The input value is defined directly by a force.
Factor The tendon force will be evaluated from the ratio of the applied tendon stress and the allowable tendon stress (factor Sig-pr/Sig-allow-pr) where Sig-allow-pr is SIGP as defined in the table of the pre-stressing material describing the maximum allowable tendon stress after all immediate losses.
WEDL/WEDR Length of wedge slip on the left/right side of the tendon
DEVLL/DEVLR Development length on the left/right side of the tendon
Tendon The tendon (number) where the actions should be applied to can be entered or any existing tendon can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Number of tendons After choosing a tendon the number of the tendons in the profile will be shown (only informatively - not editable).
Optimize Automatic optimization of the applied pre-stressing stress in a way to be in accordance with the stress limits as defined in Structure > Tendon > New/Modify . Only available for stress actions PREL/PRER and input by Factor.

When activating this option the input of Fact. of SIGP will get inactive and the respective optimized value will be evaluated automatically and informatively be displayed.

Tendon force / Fact. of SIGP The value must be input in accordance with the settings of the radio buttons Force / Factor as explained above.
Stress label Name of the stress label describing the series of tendon actions (max. 24 characters).

The stress label is referred to within the schedule action Stress  (Schedule > Stages > Schedule Actions) in order to perform a certain set of tendon actions in the respective stage where the tendon is stressed.

Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)